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Ladue Schools Implementing No Place for Hate Initiative

Ladue School District is excited to announce that all eight of our schools (PreK-12) across the district have completed the registration process for No Place for Hate® and are preparing our students for our districtwide No Place for Hate pledge day on Oct. 24, 2024. 

No Place for Hate® is an incredible education initiative by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), with over 1,600 participating schools nationwide. The initiative reinforces Ladue Schools’ commitment to providing an inclusive, caring environment that elevates a sense of belonging for all students and stakeholders. 

“Ladue Schools remains committed to creating a welcoming community where all students feel safe and respected, both socially and academically,” said Dr. Jennifer Riesenmy, Ladue School District’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Coordinator. "We are excited about the leadership opportunities the No Place for Hate® initiative will provide students across our district.” 

Over the past month, students participated in age-appropriate insensitive language lessons that focused on teaching the power of words that both uplift and harm, the importance of addressing each other in positive ways, and ways to combat name-calling and identity-based insults if they do occur. Each school is currently organizing student leadership groups to help keep their school community informed of schoolwide activities this year. 

We look forward to sharing the extraordinary and creative ways our schools, students, and staff unite to take the No Place for Hate pledge.

No Place For Hate Initiative