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Ladue Schools Celebrate a Successful International Leadership Conference

Eleven Ladue Horton Watkins High School students recently competed in a leadership conference hosted by the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), an international career and technical student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Technology Education Division of the Association for Career and Technical Education.

After a long road and multiple competition wins leading up to the final event, two Ladue students claimed first place during the conference. Over 11,300 students competed in 92 health-related competitions, and juniors Anthony Zhao and Madeline Awad came home victorious in Respiratory Therapy and Health Career Photography, respectively. Their victories came at the pinnacle event for HOSA students in Houston, TX., which followed regional and state qualifiers earlier this year.

Additionally, seniors Alexandra Tsygankov and Stuti Dasgupta were among 14 Missouri HOSA members who received an International Leadership Conference scholarship totaling $500 each. The scholarships were granted to first-place competitive event winners or Gold Level National Recognition winners at the Missouri HOSA State Leadership Conference through an application process and announced during the ILC.

This summer, the HOSA Future Health Professionals 47th Annual International Leadership Conference (ILC) occurred. The ILC final event is the year's highlight for every HOSA member and advisor, as the competition focuses on leadership, as well as professional and technical skills. In addition, the annual business of the international student organization of HOSA takes place with the voting delegates, educational seminars, workshops, and exhibits presented by professional partners that provide information about current healthcare issues, and the conference provides an opportunity to meet people from across the globe with similar career goals.

Ladue Schools is inspired by our HOSA students, who challenged themselves and dedicated their time and efforts to nurturing their talents and skills.




Anthony Zhao and Madeline Awad