Well, this was certainly not what I had anticipated my next blog would be about. COVID-19? Really? Seriously? A few short months ago, nobody even knew what it was, much less imagined the turmoil it would create in our world. Truth be told, I have actually written a few blogs since my last one and simply chose not to post them. In light of the times, I think I am going to put them on the shelf for a little while.
As we sit back and try to make sense of everything, I have been watching the news like everyone else. Depending on what news station you watch, you either get the sense that there is not a problem at all or it is the end of the world as we know it. I know… I’m riffing on a song by REM, and yes, there is some sarcasm there. But I think you understand my point. I think the real question is... How do we make sense of it all? And in the end, how do we even defeat this thing? A better question might be… What will it look like when we come out on the other side?
As I look at social media, I have seen many pictures and comments of inspiration. I have read many “I Promise” poems. Some are about promises people are vowing to keep once this is all over. Others are promising to enjoy the little things in life during this time. I so appreciate people trying to make sense of this through positivity.
In fact, I would say that one of the positive side effects for me has been observing the people I work with, the community I serve and the genuine outlook from friends and family. These have helped me reflect and reframe my mindset, and I truly believe that mindset is everything. So, I hope you will join me in adopting the mindset that we will not let this COVID-19 thing defeat us. We have been dealt a hand, but we are in control of what we do next.
Many who know me have heard me speak about my father and the life lessons he taught me. If he were alive today, I think he would look at this situation and say, “Jimmy, this is an opportunity to enjoy the sweet things in life again.” The importance of enjoying the sweet things in life is one of the most valuable lessons he ever taught me.
To share just a couple of the sweet things I experienced with him… He could make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a special touch that I swore only he could give. I remember driving down the road and having him tell me to roll the window down as quickly as my 8-year-old self could in order to stick my arm out as we went through a dip in the road to feel the temperature change and the hair on my arm stand on end on a hot summer night.
What are the sweet things in your life? It may sound strange to consider when people are getting sick and some are even dying. But I believe it is definitely something worth thinking about.
For instance, people are being “forced” to spend more time with their family. I am not sure those words should ever be put together in a sentence. However, I do understand these times come with some new challenges. But maybe it could be a little less difficult if we focused on enjoying the sweet things and clearing out the clutter.
It is a little bit like this picture of shapes.
Take a good close look and imagine these shapes being the clutter in your life. Amongst the clutter is an outline of a star. The star represents YOU … everything you are, were and want to be. That great husband, wife, dad, mom, aunt, uncle, whatever. It is YOU … your values, your morals, your purpose. Do you see the star amongst the other shapes?
It’s hard to see the star with all the clutter, but it is there, I promise.
Perhaps with a bit of a reset, we can see things more clearly? Maybe you could see the star if some of the clutter was eliminated. So, let’s take out the top half of the clutter. Do you see your star, yet? I bet some of you do.
Not yet? Okay, let’s remove even more clutter...
What about now? We have really reduced the clutter in “life.” Did that help? I bet it did for many of you, but you still may be having trouble, so let’s really clear things up...
Look at the shape below.
There YOU were all along! The star was always there. You see, sometimes it’s just hard to see it with all the other clutter. But, when we removed the clutter, you got it. And we got this!
Perhaps it is time for us—together—to all clear the clutter from our lives and spend time with family and loved ones during these times. Take time to walk the dog, tell your significant other you love them, look your child in the eyes and tell them you are proud of them, or simply make someone that special peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Enjoy the sweet things and know...
It will all be fine!
It is my hope that if you are reading this you and your family are well and healthy, that you are all finding your stars through the clutter of COVID-19!