Employee Resources
Absence Management System / Time & Attendance
Formerly AESOP and Veritime, respectively
The absence management and timekeeping systems are two sides of the same coin. This link will direct you to the Absence Management log-in screen. Once logged in, simply click the “Time & Attendance” tab to access timesheet information.
Time Clock
This links directly to the Time and Attendance clock in/out screen.
Employee Portal (Alio)
This links directly to the log-in page of the Ladue Schools Employee Portal, which provides employees with their individual information about payroll and benefits. This page also includes tax forms and the voluntary payroll deduction form.
Access-Ladue (Employee Intranet)
Access-Ladue is the Ladue School District’s intranet site and contains various important information for employees. The Human Resources section includes links to the following:
- Meet & Confer information, including the most recent and previous Master Agreements
- Salary Schedules
- Evaluation Manuals
- Employee Handbooks
- Demographic Change Form
- Teacher of the Year Nomination Forms
- Continuing Education Forms
- Workers Compensation Guidelines and Forms
- Link to Employee Benefit Information
- Working Calendars
- Enrollment Application for Staff Children
Other Employee Information Available through Access-Ladue
- District Forms (Including all Human Resources forms)
- Staff Directory
- Style Guide
- Employee Portal
- Employee Gmail
- Benefit Information
Professional Growth
Formerly MLP/OASYS
Provides access to employees’ individual professional development and evaluation documents.
Provides access to the mandatory training modules required of employees each year.