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Complaint Escalation Process

Addressing Academic/School Questions and Concerns on Behalf of Individual Students

  1. First, be addressed to the teacher.

  2. Unsettled matters from (#1) above, or problems and questions concerning individual schools or staff members, should be directed to the building principal. 

  3. Unsettled matters from (#2) above concerning:

  4. If the matter cannot be settled satisfactorily from (#3) above, problems and questions concerning students, staff, or the school district should be directed to the Superintendent in writing via email. 

  5. If the Superintendent cannot settle the matter satisfactorily, it should be brought to the Board of Education.

Questions, comments, or to add an item to the Board of Education meeting agenda should be submitted to the Superintendent in writing within five business days of the meeting to be considered for the agenda. 

Items will be brought to the attention of the entire Board at a regularly scheduled or called meeting. Decisions of the Board shall be final except in the case of complaints concerning the administration of federal programs. In that case, the complaint may go to the appropriate section of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and then to the United States Secretary of Education.