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Rights & Procedures - McKinney Vento Act

McKinney Vento Liaison

The McKinney-Vento Act guarantees students in transition (homeless children and youth) an education equal to what they would receive if they were not homeless. 

Who is Homeless?
According to the McKinney-Vento Act, homeless children and youth include individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. 

Homeless Education Overview
Ladue Schools recognizes that homelessness is not a sufficient reason to separate students from the mainstream school environment. Therefore, the district, under state and federal law and the Missouri state plan for the education of the homeless, will give special attention to ensure that unhoused students in the school district have access to free and appropriate public education.

Foster Care Liaison
Children in foster care remain in the school of origin unless it is determined that it is not in their best interest. If it is not in the child’s best interest to remain in the school of origin, the child must be immediately enrolled in the new school even if they don’t have the required documentation.