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Food Services


  • Lunch is available at each school when school is in session for a full day and on early release days.
  • Breakfast is available at all district K-12 schools. Typically, breakfast is served 20 to 30 minutes before school begins.

School lunch menus are also available to view on the individual school pages.

Free and Reduced Lunch

Families that would like to apply for the federal government’s Free and Reduced Lunch program can do so by:

  1. Filling out and turning in the 2024-25 paper application with instructions; or
  2. Applying for the Free and Lunch program online. Parents must have an active Infinite Campus Parent Portal account to access the meal benefit online application.

The complete 2024-25 Free and Reduced Lunch Packet.

Translated applications for Free and Reduced for 50 languages are available.

All inquiries are kept confidential. The district is governed by the USDA and school food service laws.

Meal Balances and My School Bucks

There are two ways to put money into your child’s account:

  • Cash and check deposits can be made at the school as follows:
    • Elementary Schools – school office only
    • Fifth Grade Center – school office only
    • Middle school – school office only
    • High school – cafeteria office only
  • Pay online using Parents/guardians can make payments to their child’s meal account, check balances, review transaction history and receive low-balance alerts easily and securely online.
    • To register, go to Click “Sign Up Today” on the homepage. Once registered, parents/guardians can add multiple students regardless of how many Ladue School District schools they attend. Full instructions and service descriptions, as well as the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, are available on the website.

MySchoolBucks transaction fees will be covered by the district this 2024-25 school year.

You can also install the mySchoolBucks app to pay for meals; however, please note: NO School Store/Activity fees can be paid through the app (at this time). You must access the website to pay School Store/Activity fees.

While no child will be allowed to go hungry, the district urges families not to abuse this privilege and to keep their accounts up to date. Unpaid balances will transfer from one school to the next.

Meal Charge Policy and Procedures

The district’s Food Service Management policy (EF) and Food Service Management Administrative Procedures (EF-AP1) provide details regarding the district’s specific rules and practices regarding meal charges and communications regarding meal account balances.

Meal Refund Request Form

Please print and complete the refund request form for graduating students or students withdrawing from Ladue School District.

Meal Prices

Breakfast Prices for 2024-25

  • $1.90 Regular Breakfast
  • $0.30 Reduced-Price Breakfast

Lunch Prices for 2024-25

Elementary Lunch (K-5)

    • $2.75 Elementary Lunch
    • $0.40 Reduced Price Lunch
    • $0.55 Milk only                                        

Middle School Lunch

    • $3.05 Middle School Lunch
    • $0.40 Reduced-Price Lunch
    • $0.55 Milk only         

High School Lunch

    • 3.05 High School Lunch
    • $4.15 Tiered Lunch Option
    • $0.40 Reduced-Price Lunch
    • $0.55 Milk only         

Households are encouraged to complete and submit an application for free and reduced meals to the district for processing. Typically, there are additional services or programs that families can qualify for outside of the Federal Meal Program, such as; discounted LECC tuition for a sibling of an eligible student, waivers for field trips, discounts for certain AP exams, athletic fee waivers/discounts, and other school program discounts. 

Both Chartwells and Ladue Schools are dedicated to providing quality, nutritious meals to students. We hope you will encourage your child to continue to enjoy their favorite meals and try our new dining offerings. We also hope you will join us for a meal at school to see the changes for yourself.

Providing Food for Your Child’s Class

Due to allergy restrictions, state law, and Board of Education Policy ADF, there are significant restrictions on the foods and beverages that can be provided or sold to students (including celebrations, classroom parties, and rewards) on district campuses during school hours. (School hours are defined as being between midnight the night before a school day until a half hour after school ends.)

These restrictions apply to all food and beverages supplied by individuals and organizations. The only exceptions are: food or beverages brought from home by students for consumption solely by the student; food or beverages created or used as part of the district’s instructional programs.

Here are the district’s Healthy Snack Guidelines which provide information about the USDA nutritional standards for food that can be served in schools during the school day, as well as a list of approved snacks.

In addition to these standards, additional restrictions are in place to address food allergy restrictions for individual classrooms and/or school buildings. Parents should look to their child’s principal and classroom teachers for additional guidance on what foods are appropriate for sharing with their child’s classmates.

Family Assistance Fund

The Ladue School District maintains a Family Assistance Fund to help families experiencing short-term and/or unexpected financial issues that impact their students’ ability to succeed in school. These funds are managed discreetly by the district‘s Student Services Department. Donations are routed through the Ladue Education Foundation, making them tax-deductible for those who generously choose to contribute.

Donate to the Family Assistance Fund through the Ladue Education Foundation