Science is the study of the universe around us and within us, natural phenomena, and solutions to problems. Scientists want to observe natural phenomena or events to understand the mechanisms that cause them and explain how or why those natural events occur.
Upon graduation, students will continue to engage with and ask fundamental questions about the world and how scientists have investigated and found answers to these questions.
Students will continue in future endeavors with opportunities to carry out investigations, answer questions, be inventive, and design projects that relate to core science ideas and career.
All students, not just those that pursue careers in science, engineering, or technology, will have gained sufficient scientific knowledge to:
All students will see how science is instrumental in addressing major challenges that confront society today.
Students will have developed analytical reasoning and problem-solving skills for life.
Students will have acquired the technical skills required to succeed regardless of college and career choices.
Students will be prepared for their individual lives and their roles as citizens in a technology-rich and scientifically complex world.
Students will have developed the ability to communicate scientific information in multiple ways, including oral and written communication.
Engage in Public Discussions on Science Related Issues
Be Critical Consumers of Scientific Information Related to their Lives
Continue to Learn about Science Throughout Their Lives
Appreciate that science and current scientific understanding of the world is a result of hundreds of years of human endeavor
Priority Standards
Access the science learning objectives for each grade level.
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8