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AMI Plan

The Ladue School District has an approved Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) Plan with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). This plan is developed to allow schools to use what were traditionally characterized as inclement weather days as remote instructional days. DESE requires 169 unique, calendar days a year and a minimum of 1,044 hours a year. Ladue School District's calendar has 173-175 days each school year, allowing for 4-5 inclement weather days. If the district needs to use more than 4-5 days, instructional hours will be made up by using the AMI Plan.

We want everyone to be prepared for inclement weather or any school crisis that might cause a school closure. In the event we have another school closure during the second semester of 2024-25, all students in PreK-12th grades will transition to the district’s Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) plan to avoid having to make up extra days at the end of the school year.

Overview of AMI Plan

  • At Ladue Schools, asynchronous learning is designed to be flexible so that students can work at their own pace during inclement weather or if school is canceled for other reasons.

  • The AMI Plan is drastically different than the AMI Plan that was used during the pandemic. We sincerely hope the new plan will alleviate stress and pressure on students and parents.

  • Live teaching and/or Google Meet instruction is not expected. Teachers may choose to offer optional “office hours” for students via Google Meet. This is not a requirement for any teacher or for any student to attend. Students cannot be penalized for not being able to attend.

  • Daily lesson plans/activities will be communicated to students/parents by 9:30 a.m.

  • Teachers should be available to respond to students periodically throughout the school day.

  • Per the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) requirements, attendance is counted by work completion. Teachers set minimum expectations for student work and collect/check when students return to school. 

What to Expect on AMI Days

Ladue Horton Watkins High School (students and staff)

Our AMI plan allows students to stay engaged with their learning from home without extending the school year.

  • Grades 9-12 Students:
    • These will consist of activities designed to take no more than 20 minutes per course (not to exceed 3 hours) and will focus on reviewing previously covered material. No new content will be introduced.
    • Teachers will post work in Google Classroom by 9:30 a.m. Teachers will communicate with students and parents when they are scheduled to be online via email and ParentSquare to provide guidance and answer questions.

Ladue Middle School, Fifth Grade Center, Elementary Schools, and LECC

Our AMI plan for Pre-K, elementary, and middle school students: 

  • Grades 6-8 Students:
    • Students will access assignments on Google Classroom. These will consist of activities designed to take no more than 20 minutes per course (not to exceed 3 hours) and will focus on reviewing previously covered material. No new content will be introduced.
    • Teachers will post work in Google Classroom by 9:30 a.m. Teachers will communicate with students and parents when they are online via email and ParentSquare to provide guidance and answer questions.
  • Grades PreK-5 Students:
    Each student will receive a grade-level menu of instructional material from their school. 
    • K-5 packets will include a variety of activities in core subjects such as ELA, mathematics, science/social studies, PE, art, and music, all aligned with curriculum goals. Students will select one activity in each subject area to complete per day. Parents will initial and date the activities completed and turn in to the child’s teacher for attendance. 
    • Pre-K (LECC) packets will include a variety of activities related to academics and skills related to their development, all aligned with curriculum goals. Completed assignments should be returned on the next in-person school day.
    • Teachers will communicate their availability throughout regular school hours via email or ParentSquare.  Teachers may choose to offer optional “office hours” for students via Google Meet. This is not a requirement for any teacher or for any student to attend. Students cannot be penalized for not being able to attend.
    • Parents requiring a paper copy of the choice menu may request one from their child’s teacher.  


Attendance will be tracked based on completed assignments. Students who do not submit their work will be marked absent for the AMI day. If a student is unable to complete the work at home, the student can wait to receive help from his/her teacher when school resumes. 

The AMI plan is designed to keep learning accessible and flexible, even on days when we can’t be together in person.

Student Access to Technology

Ladue Early Childhood Center (LECC), Elementary, and FGC:
Students do not take devices home, so we cannot assume that they will have access to a device on an AMI day or that they will have access to reliable internet. 

Students have devices and are expected to take them home each evening. Be mindful that they may not have access to reliable internet.

Expectations for Staff

On AMI days, unlike snow days, all staff are expected to be online for a portion of the day responding to emails. Staff may be asked to attend virtual meetings. AMI Days are working contract days for certified and classified staff. 

Responsibilities of other staff on AMI days:

Staff Responsibilities
SSD Staff
  • Support co-taught teacher(s) with lesson planning as needed. 
  • Launch activities for my own classes.
  • Communicate with parents regarding support for IEP goals. 
  • Scheduled IEPs/meetings may be held virtually if applicable.
Counselors/Social Workers
  • Check in with students who may need support. Can offer ‘office hours’ as a set time for check-ins.
  • Check in with parents who may need support. 
  • Provide support to anyone needing additional information on students with 504 plans. 
  • Scheduled meetings may be held virtually if applicable.
  • Communicate with staff in preparation for an AMI day by 8:30 a.m., reminding teachers to send lessons to parents by 9:30 a.m.
  • Be available to respond to teacher, student, or parent communications.
  • Scheduled meetings may be held virtually if applicable.
  • Check email and communicate with students and teachers who need support with resources and/or their learning.
  • If applicable, plan and provide an asynchronous lesson for students who will be in the library that day.
  • Scheduled meetings may be held virtually if applicable.
Coaches/Instructional Specialists (Reading, Math, Tech)/ESOL Teachers
  • Be available to support teachers in planning lessons and respond to teacher, student, or parent communications.
  • Scheduled meetings may be held virtually if applicable.
Technology Department
  • Provide home-based remote support unless otherwise directed by the Director.
  • Scheduled meetings may be held virtually if applicable.
Communications Department
  • Be available to support notifying staff, families, and the community about inclement weather communications.
  • Scheduled meetings may be held virtually if applicable.
  • Perform regular job duties virtually or as assigned by the Director.
Maintenance/Custodial Department
  • You will be notified of a special schedule or duties as needed by the Director.
Support Staff
  • Perform regular duties virtually as assigned by the Supervisor.
  • If the position doesn’t allow for duties to be performed virtually, then it would be unpaid or another paid leave would need to be used.  Supervisor will determine if duties can be performed virtually.  
Teacher/Supervisory Assistants
  • Regular job duties are unable to be performed virtually therefore, an AMI day would be considered one of the flex non-working days on the TA/SA working calendar