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Welcome to Communications

This department is responsible for:

  • Media and public relations
  • Crisis Communications
  • Internal and external communications, both digital and print, including newsletters, handbooks, brochures, and the district website
  • District event coordination and coordination of special district projects, such as bond referendum and tax increase communications
  • Liaison and support of the Ladue Education Foundation and Ladue Alumni Association
  • Internal print coordination and production
  • District photography
  • Coordination of districtwide charitable giving campaigns
Kimberly McKenzie, Director of Communications

Kimberly G. McKenzie
Director of Communications
Email Kimberly McKenzie
(314) 983-5325

Laura Shea

Laura Shea
Communications Specialist | Webmaster
(general info, website, graphics, print, photography)
Email Laura Shea
(314) 983-5331

Travis Green, Communications Coordinator

Travis Green
Communications Coordinator
(media relations, social media, photography, alumni)
Email Travis Green
(314) 983-5317