Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Collective Commitment #2
Implementing equity and inclusion strategies and structures to address equity gaps and ensure all stakeholders are seen, heard, and valued.
Objective #1
Focus on educational outcomes to ensure that each student is equitably provided with rigorous instruction and impactful educational experiences.
- Instructional staff analyzes disaggregated data through Ladue School District’s Equity Dashboard to adjust instruction for identified student groups and utilize criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of these adjustments.
- Utilize Educlimber and the Equity Dashboard to monitor and respond to equity gaps between student groups (e.g., gifted and enrichment, English for Students of Other Languages, special education, etc.). Measure changes in data over time to determine which strategies impact reducing barriers and inequities between student groups.
- Professional Learning Communities, inclusive of building administrators and instructional coaches, systematically analyze individual student performance data to provide appropriate instructional and behavioral support for each student.
- Create and implement common formative, interim, and summative student assessments for all curricula and utilize these assessments to plan instruction and interventions.
Objective #2
Ensure each student has equitable access to academic and social support and other resources necessary for success in all content areas.
- Implement instructional strategies and individualized interventions that address the educational opportunity gap through the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework.
- Ensure equitable access to the district Gifted Program by continuing to provide universal screening, implementing local norms for gifted criteria, monitoring the gifted equity index formula, continuing Primary Problem Solvers, and researching and implementing support to meet the needs of gifted students at the high school level.
- Review the processes, procedures, and policies regarding class placements/selection/ communication and ensure equitable access to all courses (e.g., communicate course offerings through multiple avenues).
- Utilize tools such as the DEI Standard within the evaluation plan and climate/culture survey results to determine teachers’ cultural proficiency growth over time to create an inclusive classroom environment where all students are seen, heard, and valued.
- Research educational equity statements and develop a Ladue Schools Equity Statement that embodies the district’s commitment to anti-bias, anti-racism, diversity, inclusion, and access.
Objective #3
Provide an inclusive and caring environment that elevates a sense of belonging for all stakeholder groups and increases student success.
- Provide professional development for staff and education for parents to support the equitable implementation of the new discipline codes.
- Ensure restorative practices, which seek to prevent or constructively address conflict or harmful behavior, are in place in all buildings and are utilized with fidelity.
- Create and implement a plan for the ongoing support of restorative practices in each building.
- Gather school climate and culture data from all stakeholder groups; analyze and share the results with all stakeholders.
- Establish procedures for using culture and climate findings to develop and revise system-wide improvement goals and implementation strategies.
- Provide opportunities for students to participate in student groups and activities that promote building authentic relationships and learning about culture and identity (e.g., affinity groups, student leadership groups).